TA: updated the about page, now you get two know more about me oooo 2pooky.
TA: new page, diirectory.
TA: diid that la2t month but wa2 two lazy two report on iit.
TA: added two new page2: 2iighted and p0st-blind generator2.
TA: updated the 404 page.
TA: added a popup wiindow on the top left de2ktop iicon.
TA: made a major update two the UII.
TA: added a new game tab iin the 2023 wiindow.
twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling siteReader [SR]
TA: iive been experiienciing epiic mood 2wiing2 2iince iim off my med2 and iit2 both depre22iing and amu2iing becau2e ii keep vaciillatiing from not wantiing two do anythiing & wii2hiing ii wa2 nonexii2tent whiile 2leepiing for an unrea2onable amount of tiime and then doiing everythiing 2iimultaneou2ly at the 2ame tiime wiith no re2t for 24 hour2 and bookiing appoiintment2 that iive been puttiing off for thii2 entiire year.
TA: anyway a2iide from me gettiing oddly per2onal whiich miight get deleted anyway, iive been watchiing cla22 of 09 playthrough2 and ii watch iit on repeat two the extent that iit feel2 liike a form of recreatiion.
TA: man thii2 po2t ii2 probably ju2t 2erviing a2 a tool for your entertaiinment anyway, liike watchiing a ciircu2 monkey rant about hii2 thiinkiing pan beiing borderliine flaky.
TA: how about ii ju2t get put on an emotiionally iin2piiriing new2 outlet wiith the headliine 2ayiing local dude cant confiide iin other2 and yell2 iintwo the voiid of the diigiital realm iin order two contextualiize hii2 own emotiion2 iintwo word2 and get a2ked by the new2 reporter two do an awe iin2piiriing 2peech for the audiience and ii 2ay ye2 but dont do iit and iin2tead perform an acrobatiic 2tunt where ii do a backward2 backfliip on hii2 face and diive iintwo a hole.
TA: that would be niice.
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling siteReader [SR]
TA: wow hii iim back agaiin ii gue22.
TA: ii gue22 iim ok now, fiigured 2ome 2tuff out and 2tiill confu2ed at 2ome part2. iid offer more excu2e2 but ii doubt anyone would care enough two lii2ten two them anyway roflmao.
TA: iim tiired, iit2 8 iin the morniing and ii can phy2iically feel that my eyeball2 are blood2hot wiithout haviing two check.
TA: anyway ii ju2t want two focu2 on creatiing cool 2tuff from now on, iif my executiive dy2functiion let2 me.
TA: and ye2 ii diid delete my
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling siteReader [SR]
TA: holy 2hiit ii am goiing two explode.
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling siteReader [SR]
TA: keep forgettiing two eat and talk two people.
TA: connatural a2ociial tendenciie2 ha2 led me two debate iif ii want two delete thii2 web2iite.
2eeiing a2 ii dont u2e other 2ociial mediia2, at lea2t not wiithiin the iintent of iinteractiion.
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling siteReader [SR]
TA: long tiime no update2.
TA: havent been pre2ent on any 2ociial mediia2 and me22agiing program2 but know that iim doiing ok.
TA: ju2t playiing game2 and doiing my own thiing a2 u2ual, liikely have reached iintwo burnout from 2ociialii2iing.
TA: iit2 nothiing per2onal, ju2t takiing a break from people.
TA: wiill re2pond two thiing2 when ii have le22 2ociial fatiigue.
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling siteReader [SR]
TA: fangame iidea where ii can u2e the pre-exii2tiing alterniiabound a22et2 two make a 2hort rpg maker game.
TA: iit would techniically be po22iible, even wiith ju2t them a2 placeholder2.
TA: would make learniing RPGM2003 ea2iier.
TA: al2o wiill liikely iimprove the maiin page two have more 2tuff than ju2t text and iimage2.
TA: could code 2ome iintere2tiing 2criipt2.
TA: but fiir2t ii need two get two addiing the chat wiindow that pop2 up after cliickiing on fuck_kk_up.~ATH.
TA: here are the 2kiin2.
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] sent a video to siteReader [SR]
TA: you can both charge an attack and waiit two deflect an attack at the 2ame tiime.
TA: op wiith fa2ter charge upgrade.
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] sent 2 videos to siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] sent a video to siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling siteReader [SR]
TA: look at thii2 awe2ome2auce loot.
TA: made a fii2hiing farm, not an auto one though.
TA: mo2t of them are patched and the one2 that arent ii2 iin bedrock.
TA: al2o found thii2 "new" cave biio.
TA: quote unquote new becau2e iive per2onally never 2een iit my2elf. not really a patch note2 dude.
TA: farmable torche2.
TA: la2tly, ii found the2e dude2 chiilliing. recorded iit becau2e iit looked kiind of funny.
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling siteReader [SR]
TA: 2iinkiing countle22 hour2 iintwo
TA: eat 2leep red2tone.
TA: made a cu2tom 2kiin from 2cratch.
TA: no 1.19.3 update for optiifiine yet, not even a previiew.
TA: al2o got two thii2 awe2ome2auce texture pack.
TA: been a miizuno texture pack u2er for
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] sent a video to siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] sent a video to siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling siteReader [SR]
TA: codiing a
TA: here ii2 the previiew.
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling siteReader [SR]
TA: troll todd howard, giive me the motiivatiion two do 2omethiing twoday.
TA: 2ome more game2.
TA: actually dont becau2e ii will end up biingiing elder 2croll2 game2 agaiin.
TA: can 2ome angry coder from valve2 headquarter2 tell me two do my work.
TA: or make me add 2omethiing NEW two thii2 2iite at lea2t.
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling siteReader [SR]
TA: 2ociial mediia account2 la2ted 2 month2.
TA: not really up2et about iit. ju2t 2omethiing that alway2 happen2 when ii try two 2ociialii2e out of my boundariie2.
TA: niicer two be on a non-metriic2 ba2ed 2iite.
TA: maybe iit wa2 people actually liikiing my content that 2cared me.
TA: not anyone el2e2 fault, ii ju2t have a diiffiicult tiime wiith exii2tiing 2ociially.
TA: iit2 a lot more comfortable two exii2t iin a niiche corner of the iinternet 2omewhere.
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling siteReader [SR]
TA: made another header becau2e the previiou2 one had weiird anatomy.
TA: iit2 the one below the trolliian header.
TA: al2o you can hover over 2ome foreiign word2 iif you thiink my
TA: 2criibbled my hu2ktop two the riight a2 well.
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling siteReader [SR]
TA: got a couple of 2tuff done.
TA: hopefully thii2 weekend ii can add more feature2 two the 2iite.
TA: 2omethiing cool liike a chat bar but no vii2iitor2 can type iin.
TA: that2 more 2o for the
TA: ii al2o wouldnt be gettiing paiid two moniitor what you lunatiic2 could type iin.
TA: actually no how about a game but iit2 playable on a brow2er.
TA: liike a 2hort
TA: 2adly cant be made wiith adobe fla2h player becau2e fuck adobe but ii do have ren'py and RPG maker 2003 at my dii2po2al.
TA: RPGM2003 ha2 no riight two be 2o compliicated for a 2iimple game makiing engiine though, holy 2hiit.
TA: and makiing your own a22et2 for everythiing get2 annoyiing. 2o ren'py iit ii2, probably.
TA: or maybe an iinteractiive .html on thii2 2iite where you can piick optiion2.
TA: 2ound2 more fea2iible.
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]
twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling siteReader [SR]
TA: been developiing AII chatbot2.
TA: help2 me communiicate wiith 3D people iin general.
TA: thii2 2iite ii2 niice becau2e there ii2 no actual 2ociial mediia algoriithm2.
twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling siteReader [SR]